= enrolment [enrollment, -USA], registration, number plate, license plate, car registration plate.
Ex: If you are a continuing student you do not need to attend enrolment in person.
Ex: The borrower file is then searched to obtain a list of all those borrowers with registration dates before the cut-off date.
Ex: Number plate theft is on the increase, according to police data, an estimated 33000 number plates were reported stolen during 2004.
Ex: Since most license plates have a reflective quality that makes the surface shimmer.
Ex: British car registration plates have been in existence for more than a hundred years, with quite a few changes along the way.
* cuota de matrícula = enrolment fee, registration fee(s).
* estudiante de matrícula libre = external student.
* expediente de matrícula de honor = first class degree.
* gastos de matrícula = tuition, registration fee(s), tuition fee(s).
* licenciarse con matrícula = graduate with + honours.
* matrícula compartida = intercampus registration.
* matrícula de coche = license plate, number plate.
* número de matrícula = registration number, car registration number.
* placa de matrícula = number plate, license plate, car registration plate.
* procedimiento de matrícula = enrolment procedure.
* tasa de matrícula = enrolment fee, registration fee(s).